Karate Kata

In Karate, Katas are an extremely important part of the process of learning and mastering the Martial Art. A kata is a set of movements or form, a make believe fight if you will. In Karate, some of the katas date back countless years to the early origins of the martial art, and their relevance to the karateka is just as important now as it was back then if you are to treat the art as it was intended. The two most common distinctive styles of karate, Shotokan and Goju, both use a different approach to their katas and the differences are fairly obvious to an experienced karate student. Shotokan uses the more direct approach with lots of fast forward motion along center lines with direct strikes and powerful blocks, while GoJu tends to be more wavy, relaxed and technical using deflective amd rotational based movements.

GKR Kata

The GKR or Go Kan Ryu syllabus uses a selection of traditional kata taken from both the Shotokan and Goju based styles of Karate. GKR also have slight variations in their kata and forms compared to their parent styles.

Taigyoku Shodan
The entry Level Kata in GKR, one of the most simple to learn forms. The kata uses just a single block of Gedan Barai which is a lower sweeping inside to outside block and a single strike of Chudan Tsuki, a straight punch to the center of the opponents body.
Taigyoko Shodan Instructions | Taigyoko Shodan Demo | Taigyoko Shodan GKR Grading

Taigyoku Nidan
The second GKR Kata, very similar to Taigyoku Shodan but introduces the front kick of Mae Gerri and the reverse punch of Gyaki Tsuki. The Taigyoku pair of GKR kata are different to the Taikyoku (notice the spelling) series of kata found in Shotokan.
Taigyoko Nidan Instructions | Taigyoko Nidan Demo | Taigyoko Nidan GKR Grading

The third kata usually learned in the GKR syllabus is Saifa. This kata comes from the ancient chinese styles of Martial Arts and is usually found in GoJu Ryu schools of karate, but Saifa is also practised in many other karate styles too including Go Kan Ryu.
Kata Saifa Instructions | Kata Saifa Demo | Kata Saifa GKR Grading

Bassai Dai
The forth kata learned in Go Kan Ryu is the Shotokan form of Bassai Dai. This direct and hard hitting kata translates as Storming the Castle or Fortress. Bassai Dia is quite a long kata with 38 counts and mastering this kata should be seen as an accomlishemnt.
Bassai Dai Instructions | Bassai Dai Demo | Bassai Dai GKR Grading

The fifth kata found in GKR is the Kaishu GoJu kata of Seiunchin. This is the kata that was performed by Daniel in the iconic 1980s film Karate Kid. Taught to the world by Sensei Chojun Miyagi, the katas translation means to pull. Apart from one single back kick, all other techniques found in this kata are hand techniques, with no kicks.
Seiunchin Instructions | Seiunchin Demo | Seiunchin GKR Grading

The next kata taught in the GKR school of karate, is Kata Empi. Kata Empi, a shotokan based kata whos name translates to Flight Of The Swallow, is a mixed paced and mixed height kata including knee strikes, direct punching and grappling techniques alongside traditional karate chops and knife strikes. This kata in traditional styles is normally only practised by advanced black belt students.
Empi Instructions | Empi Demo | Empi GKR Grading

San Seru is a Go Ju Ryu kata using lots of close quarter techniques and rotation of the body. Originally practised in ancient china as part of the Sanchin range of kata, and also thought to represent the 36 in the kanji, which could mean 36 hands or the 36 moves found in the original version. San Seru contains powerful head level punches, twisting and grappling techniques, side kicks and front kicks are also found throughout this kata with powerful rising elbow strikes too.
Sanseru Instructions | Sanseru Demo | Sanseru GKR Grading

The kata of Sepai is one of the all time classic katas of the Go Ju style. The translation is litrally 18 hands and like most go ju ryu forms, grappling is the fundamental focus of this kata. Sepai is one of the most technical kata that a GKR student will learn before becoming a Black Belt and this kata is also used as the bench mark for obtaining the provisional black belt grade. The kata contains numerous blocks and strikes and introduces techniques that you will not normally have covered before. The form itself is graceful and the techniques like all goju forms is close to the body, close quarter techniques.
Sepai Instructions | Sepai Demo | Sepai GKR Grading

Hangetsu, needed to achieve the Shodan Black Belt rank in GKR is a powerful shotokan based kata. Also known as the Half Moon kata due to the cresant stepping motions in the kata alongside the semi circular half moon stance of the Hangetsu-Dachi. This kata focuses on attacking multiple opponents initially with slow under tension motions that quickly explode into fierce and direct attacking. The form uses only a small handfull of techniques and is quite simple to learn however true mastery of this kata can take a lifetime.
Hangetsu Instructions | Hangetsu Demo | Hangetsu GKR Grading