Mind Control
Mind control, which is also known as brainwashing, coercive persuasion or thought control is a process where people use manipulative methods to persuade others to conform. Now wouldn't it be nice if you could control your attackers mind and make them hit themselves rather than hitting you?
Paul McKenna vs Derren Brown
Well the truth is some people can, there is certain people in the world who not only claim to be able to exercise mind control tactics on others, but also have been to some extent proved scientifically, and the science behind this tells us that it is a form of hypnosis. Famous mind controlling people include Paul McKenna and Derren Brown.
But Mind Controlling when it comes to Self Defense does not always mean you have to be a famous Hypnotist or even trained in Hypnosis at all, it can be as little as creating some beneficial distractions to change the attackers way of thinking or their thought process.
Self Defense Thought Control
An example of this could be a situation where you find yourself walking home alone at night and a couple of rowdy looking trouble causer are heading your way. Obviously avoidance would be the best self defense, but if you can't get out of the way and you have been stopped, sensing an attack is imminent, the first Mind Control tactic that we could use to change the attackers Mindset would be to quickly beg the attackers to help you. Lie to them, tell them you have just been attacked by a group of people down the street, tell them you need their help, tell them they took your money, tell them you are hurt, plead with them to call an ambulance for you, turn on the waterworks if you can and drop to your knees. If you get the drama right, the attackers mindset might just change from defensive one to one that either wants begin to help you or at the very least, makes them curious, and causes them to rethink. This mind controlling false piece of drama could buy you enough time to either stall the attack or prevent it completely .
Another example of Mind Control for Self Defense could be something as simple as the old classic, "Look at that!" and pointing to something behind your advancing attacker. Realistally most people will have fallen for this old trick at least once in their lives and probably won't buy it again, unless you sell it to them. Pointing to the Good Year Blimp may have worked for Bill n Ted in the old west, but here in the 21st century most people wont batter an eyelid, so give it something they won't have heard like "Thank god you guys got here in time" or "Don't hit him with the hammer Pete, I got this.." while pointing behind the attacker, if they turn to look, mission complete, escape and run.
So while Mind Control may not always mean psychics and wizardry, it certainly can be bizarre and obsered distractions like shouting random words loudly, changing subject, pretending to faint, or anything else abnormal that you could use to either prevent or suspend an attack on you. Remember we are just looking for enough of a distraction to time our escape and get out and away from the trouble.