Polecat Basics
Polecat is a Martial Art that has Asian karate at its backbone and also incorperates techniques from lots of other styles that collectively influence how the style is performed. Polecat's most basic principles is mastering the art of counter attacking. Polecat has a range of Kata that practitioners of the art should pay special attention to learning and mastering to aid in their development and increase their self defense level.
In Polecat Martial Arts, the Polecat Practitioner will only strike when attacked, we aim never to make the first move in a potential violent situation but at the same time we have to be prepared because the moment we sense or detect that an attack is been launched upon us, we need to immedietly respond. The Polecat Body Check is a perfect training excercise to install this counter attacking sense. The Body Check technique aims to teach us a second nature of stepping inwards towards the attacker as a counter attack to both confuse or over power your attacker.
The Polecat Stances

Learn the 5 basic stances used in Polecat Martial Arts. These five stances reflect the five phases or five elements theory as used in Ancient China. The Fire Stance, the Metal Stance, the Wood Stance, the Earth Stance and finally the Water Stance collectively make up all of the stances used in the Polecat Martial Arts syllabus. Each stance has its own character, advantages and special uses, it is important to understand each of these stances and to learn their own distincitve characteristics.
The Body Check

This technique is used to practise the reflex reaction of 'moving in' on your opponent. The impossing barge or body check is employed upon attack to get the Polecat practitioner used to moving inwards to counter strike an opponent upon attack. Make sure to step on the toes of the attack as you quickly move into their space, for practising this is usually enough, in real life the attack would continue with some close quarter techniques and strikes upon your attacker once you have fully imposed your presence on your attacker.
Polecat Hand / Claw

The Polecat Hand or Claw is the main hand technique used throughout the Polecat Martial Arts syllabus. There are multiple reasons for using the Polecat Hand rather than a conventional open hand or fist technique. Initially the Polecat Hand is much safer than an open hand as the fingertips are took out of the equation. Also the technique allows you to make the best use of the multiple sides of the hand that can be used for applications. The Polecat Claw is also very useful for facial attacks and attacking the UTO pressure point on the middle of the forehead, an area that is struck in this mannor in the Polecat foundation level Kata of San Me Uto.
Learn the range of Polecat Striking Techniques.