Welcome to Mill Hill Dojo, a self defense article and video website aimed at providing basic to advance levels of tuition to students interested in learning karate, self defense or a range of mixed martial arts skills and techniques.
Self Defence Training
The main goal of this site is to provide free instruction, explanation and demonstration of various styles of Karate, Martial Arts and Self Defense techniques. When Martial Arts are varied and combined, this then becomes mixed, or for short, MMA. We practice a number of both traditional styles and our own exclusive in house forms of MMA, including training techniques, fitness drills, kata or forms, bunkai and self defense application.

Best Martial Arts Website
A brief introduction into what the website provides, its all about our MMA and traditional karate instruction from begginer to black belt, also learning self defense strategies, training in pressure point application, creating teaching and demonstration videos, martial arts articles, equipment reviews and lots more.
Best Martial Arts Style
Our own in-house style at Mill Hill Dojo is known as the Polecat Martial Art. Learn why some people think our MMA style could be up there with some of the best styles of Martial Arts in the Western World today, our art is based on the sound principles of traditional Okinawan Karate, Boxing, Ju-Jitsu, Wing Chun Kung Fu and Wrestling uniquely combined into the mixed martial art of Polecat.
Mill Hill Dojo
See our custom built MMA training and self defense complex, built by the Blind Martial Artist Mark Brown and his personal trainer Sensei Robert Polecat Johnson. Mill Hill Dojo has been open for MMA combat training since January 2013, take a closer look at where and how we train inside the Dojo.