Karate Blocks
Blocks are a very important part of learning Karate. People starting out in Martial Arts should pay lots of attention to learning blocks as they will add a vital part to your self defense skills. Blocks, to many are taught as a defensive measure to block or deflect a strike from an attacker. Advanced students will eventually learn to recognise that most of these blocks are actually primary methods of striking an opponent in disguise.
Gedan Barai | Lower Front Block

The Lower Karate Block of Gedan Barai is used to block the lower front part of the body. Using a fist placed at the opposite shoulder, the arm is then draw down across the front of the body right down across and beyond the groin and terminating at the outside of your upper thigh. This block could potentially protect two thirds of your entire front body from a single front facing attacker. Find out more and watch the demonstration of the karate block of Gedan Barai.
Gedan Uke | Lower Sweeping Block

Lower Sweeping Block of Gedan Uke, a karate block that starts with the hand and arm resting down by the side in a natural position, and when blocking the arm then sweeps forward and round the front of the body to deflect an attack or to counter strike an opponent to the groin with the lower sweeping action. Learn more about this karate block and watch the demonstration of Gedan Uke.
Uchi Uke | Front Body Block

The front arm block of Uchi Uke is a blocking technique using a single arm. The block is chambered from across the body close to the opposite arm pit. The arm is then brought across the chest to deflect any strike that is been deployed to the front of your body. The technique can also be used to counter strike an opponent to the head or chin of your attacker. Learn this technique and watch the demonstration video of the karate block of Uchi Uke.