Karate Blocks

Blocking forms make up a large and very important aspect of karate and the karateka should have a good deal of patience to take time to accurately learn and fully understand how to block efficiently. This is the final page of Blocking techniques found in our style of karate at Mill Hill Dojo within the Polecat Art. As mentioned before, most of these blocking actions in karate and martial arts can be used also as a striking or counter striking technique. These blocks are also used as grappling technqiues and close quarter work, were applicable this will be demonstrated and explained in each individual video by the blind martial arts instructor Mark Brown.

Kakiwake Uke | Wedge Block

Kakiwake Uke is the wedge block in karate. The block is a double handed technique, that is used for both grabbing, grappling and blocking. The technique is a double inside hooking block with both fists clenched. Kakiwake Uke is one of the most unusual named blocks in martial arts whos meaning means to trap and wedge between. Find out more and watch the demonstration of this unusual named karate block of Kakiwake Uke.

Morote Uke | Assisted Block

Thee reinforced or assisted block of Morote Uke is a traditional inside hooking block, similar to uchi Uke but the opposite arm is then placed adjacent or alongside the blocking arm to reinforce or assist. This strengtherns the technique for circumstances that require extra levarge or power grappling situations. Learn more about this reinforced karate block and watch the video demonstration of Morote Uke.

Juji Uke | X Block

Juji Uke is a double arm block, also known as the crossed block or X block. The technique can be attacking or defensive and involves using two arms (usually the left arm fires out first with the right arm thrusting over the top) that cross to form an X for better resistance of penetrating or defending against strikes and kicks. Good extention of the arms are reqired to perfect this block. Learn this technique and watch the demonstration video of the karate block of Juji Uke.

Karate Blocks: Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4