Martial Arts and MMA Links
Find other interesting Martial Arts, MMA and Self Defense websites, further reading on sports clubs, MMA styles, Dojo's, Combat Training and lots more...
Mixed Martial Arts
MMA Fighting - Popular MMA site following the UFC and fighters from the cage fighting matches around the world.
Mixed Martial Arts - Blog following the Ultimate Fighting Championship with news and headlines on the sport of MMA.
MMA Wikipedia - The official wiki encyclopedia page for Mixed Martial Arts offering a wealth of information about the sport.
Self Defense
Wikipedia Self Defense - Self Defenkse according to the official encyclopedia page at Wikipedia, including information on Self Defense Laws, ethics and practises.
Kids Self Defense - Smartly written article based as self defense awareness for children and teens.
Academy Of Self Defense - Self Defense instruction for all, club providing support and training for anybody serious about learning self Defense Techniques.
RAD Self Defense - A system of Self Defense promoting awareness and basic skills of protecting ones self through methods of Self Defense.
Go Kan Ryu - GKR Karate, A traditional Japanese Karate Club founded by Robert Sullivan in Australia, GKR has been teaching students karate around the world since 1984.
JKA England - The English branch of the JKA or Japanese Karate Association, a worldwide leading name in the traditional style of Shotokan karate from Japan.
English Karate Federation - Englands Karate Federation offers information on the sport of karate both nationally and internationally, with competition, club information and more.
British Karate Association - Website dedicated to the martial art of Karate in England and wales, with information relating to the correct principles of teaching of karate.
Wing Chun
Northern Wing Chun - Pure Wing Chun school based in Leeds, United Kingdom, with roots going back to the grand master of Wing Chun himself Ip Chun.
True Wing Chun - True Wing Chun is dedicated to teaching the ‘True’ Wing Chun of Ip Man as it was taught to his two sons Ip Chun & Ip Ching and then passed onto their student GrandMaster Samuel Kwok.
Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu, the modern scientific Chinese martial art, yet it has over 300 years of history. Wing Chun is economical, effective and efficient.
Wing Chun Wiki - Official Wikipedia page providing information on the Wing Chun martial art, with full details on this Chinese Martial Art.
Kick Boxing
Kick Boxing - Forum and Blog following the Kick Boxing martial art from around the globe.
Muay Thai - Muay Thai Kick Boxing and Fitness site dedicated to the art of Kick Boxing, with classes and instructors of Belmars in the United Kingdom.
ProKick - The Kick Boxing school of excellence with regular updates of everything Muay Thai and Kick Boxing in England and beyond.
Jujutsu Wiki - An explanation of the Martial Art known as Jujitsu, a lose translations means soft and flexible.
British Ju Jitsu - The official entity and association in Great Britain for the Martial art of Jujitsu or Jujutsu.
Jujutsu Techniques - Great site packed full of Jujitsu learning and reference material for training in this Martial Art.