Karate Stances
Stances used in Karate can be quite varied due to the many traditional styles, however there is a selection of stances that seem to be used universally across the more common styles that are based on Shotokan and GoJu Ryu. Stances play an important role in all martial arts, not just karate and the stances themselves are not always just about how you stand, but can also both limit or enhance the karate-ka's ability to use their kicks, blocks or strikes against an opponent effectively. It is therefor of vital importance that you should pay special attention to the learning and mastering of each stance alongside understanding its advantages and disadvantages.
Hachiji Dachi | The Ready Stance

Hachiji Dachi, (pronounced hi-key-datch) is the most basic stance in our karate syllabus. The Hachiji Dachi Ready Stance offers a natural and ready for combat pose for karateka students to remain in whilst listening or awaiting instruction from a Sensei during a real karate class. Arms should be relaxed by the side and the feet placed a shoulder width apart with a slight bend of the knees. Full details and instructional video on Hachiji Dachi Karate Stance.
Musubi Dachi | Bowing Stance

Musubi Dachi, (pronounced mo-suby-datch) is a very basic but important stance used in our karate syllabus for bowing. Musubi Dachi is a straight upright stance, students should keep their hands firmly by the side and the heels should be close enough together to touch each other, toes should be slightly pointed outwards, and an ever so slight bend of the knee should be used. Full details and instructional video on Musubi Dachi Bowing Karate Stance.
Zenkutsu Dachi | Long Forward Stance

Zenkutsu Dachi, (pronounced Zen-cut-so-datch) is a long forward fighting stance used in Karate. The stance is long, quite low in height and as wide as your shoulders. Martial Arts styles originating from Asia use this stance quite alot with only subtle differences varying from the different Karate styles. This stance is favoured for kicking and lunging at an opponent. Full details and instructional video demonstration of Zenkutsu Dachi Long Front Stance.