MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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In Boxing, one of the most effective and devastating punches found is the cross. The cross is a straight punch that is executed from the rear punching arm. When the front arm is held up in the guard position, this is normally the jab hand, while the rear arm is left to execute the cross.
Boxing of all styles use the hook, it is a circular type of punch that is often refered to as a 'roundhouse punch' in martial arts, or just the hook in Boxing.
The Hook is a useful and powerful strike and when utilised correctly can cause severe damage to your opponent. The punch is circular in motion and is delivered around the outside and back inwards towards your target. The main areas to aim for with the hook would be to try to land it on the side of your opponents head, ear, jaw, face, neck, ribs, stomach and solarplexus. In fact just about anywhere the hook lands it is sure to have an effect, used correctly this technique can quickly decide the outcome of the fight.
In Western Polecat Boxing, the hook is trained in combination of multiple strikes. The first hook thrown out is usually thrown on purpose to miss the opponent but instead to take down the opponents guard. This then leaves your attacker vulnerable and the second and third hooks ae then consequently and quickly fired out to your opponent.