Polecat Kicks
There are only four types of kick used in the Polecat Martial Art. The Polecat Martial Artist would prefere to use his legs for balance, leverage or escape rather than for kicking as styles that use excessive kicking techniques are particulary vulnerable to losing balance. Some styles are noted for high kicks to the head and face of an opponent but in Polecat, this is deemed as a wasted motion as attacking the face would be much more economical using hand or punching techniques, pretty much the same reason why you would not try to punch an opponent in the foot. All kicks used in the Polecat syllabus are aimed at targets no higher than the floating ribs of an opponent. This not only protects us from been caught out trying to kick too high and ending up flat on the floor but it also allows the practicioner the most effective use of motion from the human body.
The Volley Kick

Polecats main Kick, the volley kick is a direct kick using the lower part of the shin as the area of which to kick with. Just like a football or soccer player would quickly and naturally raise his leg and kick out to volley a ball, the polecat volley kick does exactly the same. The kick has no start or ending procedure, we just reach out and kick as fast and as hard as we can, using the lower shin and curvature of the upper foot to kick out at the target. Lots of power can be drawn into the kick as we can use the whole of the bodies weight behind this powerful kick.
360 Spinning Heel

The Polecat Martial Arts 360 Spinning Heel Strike is a sneaky and potentially devastating spinning kick that drives the heel into the rib area of an oppoenent. This kick or strike can be used mid combination to add flair to your mma combination. In real combat it could be used to distract your opponent, allowing you to get a hard blow to the side or mid section of your attacker while maintaining medium distance if implemented correctly. Lower floating ribs are the perfect target for this strike as demonstrated in the video.
The Thrust Kick

The Polecat Thrust Kick is a direct front kick to an opponent. Very similar to the karate kick of Mae Geri, the kick is started by raising up one knee, extending out the leg towards your opponent, bending back the foot and thrusting forward with the ball of the foot using the hips to generate power. The kick should be done quickly to protect the body from losing balance by been on one leg for too long. Remember to keep the foot bent back before you thrust out your leg in this technique.
More Polecat Martial Arts moves with Takedown Techniques.