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Thrust kick used in Polecat Martial Arts

Mill Hill Dojo, Home of Mark Brown the Blind Karate Sensei.

Polecat Thrust Kick

Polecat Thrust Kick is a directly driven front kick using the ball of the foot to create a powerful thrusting action.

The kick is performed by first raising the knee, the leg then extends taking care to make sure the toes are pulled back, this engages the ball of the foot for kicking into the target or your opponent.

At the point of impact, slightly lean back, this should help to engage the hips needed to fire forward to generate the thrusting action of the kick. Either the heel or the ball of the foot is perfect for this kick.

Vital points for this kick would be the groin or the solarplexus of your attacker. Kicking targets higher than your own solarplexus is not recomended regardless of how flexible you may be.

With all Polecat Kicks, the height of the kick is not as important as the technique, and the technique is not as important as the speed, be quick with your kicks and try to minimise the time it takes been on one foot, do not compromise your balance by kicking carelessly.