MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
This terminology list contains the complete syllabus of techniques that make up Polecat Karate-do. The glossary of our Karate terms, translations and terminology are listed in alphabetical order and not in the exact order that we practise our line drills in our style of Karate at the Mill Hill Dojo. Most of these terms are traditionally associated with other Okinawan and Japanese based Karate styles too. This list is far from exhaustive, there are many more techniques in karate not listed here but these are the 12 Blocks, 15 Stances, 6 Kicks and 22 strikes that make up the fundamental body of the Polecat Karate style.
Chuge Uke - Double Handed Block
Gedan Barai - Downward Block.
Gedan Uke - Low Sweeping Block
Jodan Age Uke - Upward Rising Block
Juji Uke - X Block.
Kakiwaki Uke - Reverse wedge Block.
Kake Uke - Grasping Block.
Mawashi Uke - Round Block.
Morote Uke - Reinforced Uchi Uke
Shuto Uke - Knifehand Block.
Soto Uke - Inward middle Block.
Uchi Uke - Inside-outward Block.
Fudo Dachi - Immovable Stance.
Gankaku Dachi - Crane Stance.
Hachiji Dachi - Natural Stance
Han Zenkutso Dachi - Short Front Stance.
Hangetsu Dachi - Half Moon Stance.
Heiko Dachi - Parrellel Stance.
Heisoku Dachi - Feet Together Stance.
Kokutsu Dachi - Back Stance.
Kosa Dachi - Crossed legged Stance.
Musubi Dachi - Heels Together Stance.
Kiba Dachi - Horse Stance.
Neko Ashi Dachi - Cat Stance.
Sanchin Dachi - Hourglass Stance.
Shiko Dachi - Sumo Stance.
Zenkutsu Dachi - Long Front Stance.
Hiza Geri - Knee Strike.
Mae Geri - Front Kick.
Mawashi Geri - Round Kick.
Mikazuki Geri - Crescent Kick.
Ushiro Geri - Back Kick.
Yoko Geri - Side Kick.
Age Tsuki - Rising punch.
Chudan Tsuki - Middle level punch.
Gyaku Tsuki - Reverse punch.
Haishu - Back hand.
Haito - Ridge hand.
Hiji Ate - Elbow strike.
Jodan Tsuki - Head level punch.
Kagi Tsuki - Hook punch.
Kizami Tsuki - Jab.
Mawashi Empi - Round elbow Strike.
Morote Tsuki - Double punch.
Nukite - Spear hand.
Oi Tsuki - Lunge punch.
Otoshi Tsuki - Dropping punch.
Shita Tsuki - Inverted short punch.
Shuto - Knife hand.
Tate Tsuki - Vertical punch.
Teisho - Palm heel Strike.
Tetsui - Hammer fist.
Ura Tsuki - Close punch.
Uraken - Back fist.
Yama Tsuki - Mountain punch.
ichi - one.
ni - two.
san - three.
shi - four.
go - five.
roku - six.
shichi - seven.
hachi - eight.
ku - nine.
ju - ten.
Age - rising.
Anza - cross legged sat.
Ashi - foot or leg.
Atama - head.
Ate - smash.
Atemi - concentrated destructive power.
Barai - to parry.
Bu - military.
Budo - military way.
Bunkai - dissasemble kata.
Chikara - strength.
Chudan - middle.
Do - way.
Dojo - school.
Embusen - floor pattern.
Empi - elbow.
Gedan - low.
Genki - energy.
Hajime - begin.
Hana - nose.
Hanshi - Master
Hidari - left.
Hiji - elbow.
Hiza - knee.
Jodan - high.
Ju - flexibility.
Kakato - heel.
Karateka - Someone who practices karate.
Kata - Patterns of form.
Ken - fist.
Ki - hidden energy.
Kiai - spirit joining.
Kobudo - weapons.
Koshi - ball of the foot.
Kubi - neck.
Kumite - fighting.
Kuzushi - to unbalance.
Kyusho - vital point.
Makiwara - training board.
Matte - stop.
Mawate - turn.
Me - eye.
Migi - right.
Mokuso - meditate.
Obi - belt.
Rei - bowing.
Senpai - senior student.
Sensei - teacher.
Shihan - teacher of teachers.
Shinki - nerve.
Shita - down.
Sokuto - edge of the foot.
Soto - Outside.
Suigetsu - solar plexus.
Tachimas - to rise or stand up.
Te - hand.
Uchi - Inside
Tekubi - wrist.
Uye - up.
Waza - technique.
Yame - stop.
Yoi - stand in ready stance.