Self Defense
What is Self Defense
Self Defense is the term used when a person or group of people are faced with the proposition of having to defend themselves. There can be many reasons why somebody would need to act in self defense, maybe you are been attacked, insulted or bullied. Your life, or your home or property may be at risk, it is possible you have been caught up in a violent situation or a confrontation that did not initially involve you, or maybe it is one of your friends or somebody else who is been attacked and you feel you have no choice but to intervene. Knowing the best self defense or a few decent martial art self defense techniques could go a long way to settling the situation and preserving your life, assets, health or wellbeing.
Best Self Defense Techniques
Some of the best Self Defense techniques are actually quite simple ones and can be applied with nothing else required other than a little common sense. For example, if you are a child, and every day an older boy decides to kick you as you walk past him, then the simplest form of Self Defense is not to walk past him. While this may not address the situation in the long term, if you don't walk past the bully then your not going to get kicked by him, Fact, and this simple method of self defense is called Avoidance or Smart Defusing.
If an unfortunate situation arises where you find yourself in a situation that requires the use of some self defense, another good method is called Breaking. Breaking is a method of escaping an attacker, either through force, counter attacking, avoidance or even a tactical escape. Learn more about the Self Defense of Breaking.
A great method of self defense is by confusing an attacker or advancing enemy by using the power of the mind and mind control. This does not always mean that you have to be a psychic or have any super natural powers, if you do, then great, use them, but if your normal and don't poses the powers then what we actually mean by the power of the mind is to use your own intelligence to your own advantage. This can be something as simple as shouting loudly to provide an audible distraction to confuse or frighten off your attacker. Learn more about Self Defense Mind Control.
If all else fails, and fighting your way out of a confrontation or situation is your only option, then it may be of help to be trained in some good self defense combat moves. Some decent self defense techniques are usually a series of combative combinations, almost like a procedure or course of action that you can use against an attacker in order to stop them attacking you. There is off course no one size fits all method when it comes to self defense, and it is important to remember that, but the more you learn, the better your chances will be of looking after yourself should the need arise. Learn some of the best Self Defense Combinations.
Self Defense Martial Arts
Many Martial Arts are practised purely for Self Defense. There are a few exceptions with combat sports such a Boxing and Judo which specifically are trained for competition purpose, but even these styles can be used quite effectively for Self Defense. At the core of Mainstream Martial Arts Self Defense systems is probably Karate. Karate is the most commonly used Self Defense practised in the world today but that doesn't always mean it is the most effective. Styles like Wing Chun, Kung Fu and Tae Kwon Do are also very effective Self Defense based systems. If you want to learn the Best Self Defense Martial Art then it may be wise to learn more than one style, as each style will have its own advantages and disadvantages.