MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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Jodan Tsuki is a karate strike. Pronounced 'jo-dan-zuki'. This strike is the head level punch used in most karate styles. The actual punching technique used is very similar to the Chudan Tsuki punch only the target area is the head.
Taught in most karate as a punch driven again from a clenched fist stationary at the side of the body just higher than the waist with the elbow pointed backwards. The arm extends towards the head of an opponent led by the inverted fist to the point of 70% extension before the wrist twists, the punch then lands with knuckles facing forwards and the arm straight.
Retracting the Jodan Tsuki head level punch is the reverse of the above technique, and the retracting arm can also again act as an elbow strike to the rear.
There is a slight mechanical difference in the arms length when aiming to head level targets, the reach of the arm is slightly greater than the reach towards to body area. This is simply because the base of your arm is closer to the head level targets than it is to the lower targets on the body. Also with the arms raised in a slightly higher punching angle, the shoulder will be able extend further.
Power in these punches is generated from the torque in the hips, strong hips with good movement whilst punching will help drive greater power and focus behind your strikes.