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Heiko dachi is a karate stance. Pronounced 'hi-co-datch'. The stance basically means to stand with Parallel Feet and this is evident with the shape of the karate stance.
Heiko Dachi is achieved by placing the feet roughly one shoulders width apart, and lining up the outer sides of the foot in a perpendicular or parallel position, almost as though the feet are lined up on train tracks. The knees will need to have a slight bend in them and the hands should be in a fisted position resting in front of the waist at belt level.
The Parallel stance of Heiko Dachi is found in quite a few kata and some schools of karate use this stance as the ready stance or preperation stance, this means you will stand in this stance before kumite, kata or line drills or when waiting for the sensei to issue the next instruction.
The stance is also very similar to the ready stance of Hachiji Dachi only the feet are parallel in Heiko Dachi rather than pointing outwards.