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Ushiro Gei is a karate kick. Pronounced 'he-shiro-gery'. Ushiro Geri is the back kick used in many martial arts and karate styles such as Shotokan, Goju and others.
The back kick of Ushiro Geri is performed by first raising up the knee to the front similar to a knee strike or front kick. The body is then slightly poised forward and the leg is pushed out straight to the rear, making a backwards kicking action. The extended back kick is then returned to the knee at the front of the body before been placed back to the original standing starting position.
When performing the back kicking technique of Ushiro Geri, pay attention to your balance, leaning forward too much can place you off balance. Always remember to glance over your shoulder before kicking, this will build a better picture in your minds eye of your target area and improve the accuracy of the kick.
Kick with the underside of the foot, either the heel or ball of the foot, both are fine for kicking impact but remember to avoid striking with the toes.