Karate Stances Page 2

Stances in karate have different purposes. throughout the different stances some are used to create power, flexibility and movement. Some stances will focus on your ability to move while some stances are used for stability, the same could be said for attacking and defending as some stances will be more suited to self defense, while others could prove to be vulnerable and are instead more suited to use in the Karate Katas and forms.

Han Zenkutsu Dachi | Short Stance

Han Zenkutsu Dachi, (pronounced hans-zen-cut-so-datch) is a short forward fighting stance used through out the Karate styles of the world. Possibly the mostly used stance in Martial Arts worldwide. This simple stance has the feet facing towards the front, a shoulder width in length and another wide and a slight bend of the knees to enable a spring in the step, ideal for quick movement either forward or backwards or laterally to the sides. Discover more about this stance with the instructional video of Han Zenkutsu Dachi Karate Stance.

Kokutsu Dachi | Back Leaning Stance

Kokutsu Dachi, (pronounced co-cut-so-datch) is a forward stance where the weight rests mainly on the rear bent leg. For this reason it is known as the back leaning stance. Feet are positioned in a narrow line with each other at around two shoulder widths in length. The rear foot points out to the side and the front foot aims forward. Watch the video and learn more about the Back Leaning stance of Kokutsu Dachi karate stance.

Sanchin Dachi | Hour Glass Stance

Sanchin Dachi, (pronounced san-chin-datch) is a strong stance used in many Martial Art styles around the world. Also known as the pigeon toe stance and the hour glass stance, Sanchin Dachi is a short and rigid upright stance with feet positioned no further than a shoulder width apart and with the knees pressed together to protect the groin. Again, a slight bend in the knees is required to form the stance correctly. Full details and instructional video on Sanchin Dachi Karate Stance.

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