MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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How to perform Seiunchin, the Go Ju Kata also practised in Go Kan Ryu.
1. Step from heisoku dachi out into shiko dachi with the right foot forward at 45 degrees, both hands cross left over right at the groin level and then pull out to the sides above the knees.
2. Backs of the hands meet, tips of the fingers point up and rise until the elbows touch at nasal height. The fingers close sequentially and the hiraken knuckles roll down as the arms lower, finally seperating to settle back out infront of the knees.
3. Right hand Kake Uke, followed by left hand Nukite spear hand strike to the front.
4. Step from heisoku dachi out into shiko dachi with the left foot forward at 45 degrees, both hands cross left over right at the groin level and then pull out to the sides above the knees.
5. Backs of the hands meet, tips of the fingers point up and rise until the elbows touch at nasal height. The fingers close sequentially and the hiraken knuckles roll down as the arms lower, finally seperating to settle back out infront of the knees.
6. Left hand Kake Uke, followed by right hand Nukite spear hand strike to the front.
7. Step from heisoku dachi out into shiko dachi with the right foot forward at 45 degrees, both hands cross left over right at the groin level and then pull out to the sides above the knees.
8. Backs of the hands meet, tips of the fingers point up and rise until the elbows touch at nasal height. The fingers close sequentially and the hiraken knuckles roll down as the arms lower, finally seperating to settle back out infront of the knees.
9. Right hand Kake Uke, followed by left hand Nukite spear hand strike to the front.
10. Left hand remains out at the front while the right hand strikes down into the left hand, at the same time the right leg kicks back into a short back kick.
11. Step out with the right foot into Han Zenkutso Dachi and punch forward with the right hand, keep the left hand glasped to the right hand to reinforce the strike.
12. Step back in Han Zenkutso Dachi and perform rear elbow strike with the right arm, leaving the left hand out at the front in a push block position.
13. Hiji Ate rising elbow strike with the right arm, into the left palm.
14. Step out 45 degrees to the right into sanchin dachi, performing morote uke with the right hand. The left hand reinforces.
15. Step out into shiko datch so the body rotates 90 degrees to the right, performing gedan tetsui strike with the left arm.
16. Stepping back round 180 degrees to the left into shiko dachi, performing gedan barai with the right arm.
17. Transition into sanchin dachi and perform the double assisted block of Morote Uke with the left hand, the right hand assisting.
18. Step out with the right leg, 45 degrees into a shiko dachi and perform gedan tetsui with the right arm.
19. Stepping back round 180 degrees to the right, into a shiko dachi performing gedan barai with the left arm.
20. Step the left leg back into shiko dachi, at the same time perform Shotei uke palm heal block with the right arm. The left hand should be open and gaurding the face.
21. Right leg steps back into shiko dachi, this time the left hand performs a Shotei uke Palm heal block, the right hand opens and gaurds the face.
22. Right hand closes and drops to the hip as you step forward with the right foot into a sanchin dachi performing hiji ate elbow strike with the right arm. Reinforce this technique with the left arm at the right elbow. Shuffle forward in sanchin dachi, still leading with the right foot, and strike ura uchi backfist with the right arm.
23. Turn 135 degrees to the left, stepping with the right foot into sanchin dachi performing chuge uke double block, left hand up, right hand down.
24. Step out with the right foot into shiko dachi performing tate tsuki vertical punch with the right arm. Kiai.
25. Right hand performs Ura Uchi backfist strike to the head and then quickly performs gedan tetsui low level strike.
26. Step back 180 degrees with the right foot into Shiko dachi and perform gedan barai with the left arm.
27. Face the front of the dojo and slide into Neko Ashi Dachi cat stance, the right arm points forward to the front and the body rises.
28. Sink in stance and perform rear elbow strike with the left arm, bringing the right arm out to the fron with a mawashi empi elbow strike.
39. The right hand points out to the front, raise up in stance and perform rear elbow strike with the right arm. The left arm then performs mawashi empi elbow strike as you sink back down into stance.
30. Step round with the left 135 degrees into sanchin dachi perfoming chuge uke double block, right arm up, left hand down.
31. Step out with the left into a shiko dachi performing tate tsuki vertical punch with the left hand and kiai.
32. Perform Ura Uchi backfist strike with the left hand and quickly drop the left hand into downward tetsui strike.
33. Stepping back round 180 degrees with the left leg into shiko dachi and perform gedan barai low block with the right arm.
34. Draw the left back into Neko Ashi Dachi cat stance, facing the front of the dojo with the right arm performing rear elbow strike and the left arm performs a mawashi empi elbow strike.
35. The left arm extends to the front as the left legs slides back into Neko Ashi Dachi again, sinking down in stance and perform rear elbow strike with the left arm and a mawashi elbow strike with the right arm.
36. Left hand comes up to the side of the head and slowly pushes down and out towards the front, with a pressing block, shuffle forward into reverse cat stance, keeping your left leg back and perform Ura Uchi backfist strike with the right hand using the left hand to reinforce.
37. Both hands fire up to a jodan level and palms should be facing the sky, the right leg slides back into a left leg cat stance, draw both elbows together and lower the arms until the elbows pull out. The hands should remain to form a triangle shape infront of the chin.
Kata is complete!