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Mill Hill Dojo, Home of Mark Brown the Blind Karate Sensei.

GKR Kata Saifa

Kata Saifa, a form whos roots lay deep in ancient chinese martial arts is a kata performed in the GoJu Ryu karate schools and also adopted as a kata in GKR. Go Kan Ryu use the kata as their third kata that students will learn. Saifa is a multiple attacker close quarter form with the meaning ofter translated to me Rip and Tear due to the twisting, tearing and smashing motions this kata implies. The video footage on this page shows Mark Brown performing the Kata at the GKR Black Belt Gradiing from April 2013. Mark Brown is totally blind and has been a student of the art of Karate ever since losing his site in 2003. Sensei brown is currently rank as a 1st Dan, Shodan Black Belt in the school of Go Kan Ryu.