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Performing the Kata of Sanseru, step by step instructional kata training by the blind Karate instructor Mark Brown.
01. Step right foot slightly forward into sanchin dachi, perform double handed block of kakewaki uke.
02. Draw the left hand back to waist position before firing out reverse punch of gyaku tsuki, then place the hand back to double kakewaki uke position.
03. Step forward with the left into sanchin dachi, draw back the right hand to the waiste before firing out right gyaku tsuki reverse punch, then place the arm back into the double position of kakewaki uke.
04. Step right foot slightly forward into sanchin dachi, draw the left hand back to waist position before firing out reverse punch of gyaku tsuki, then place the hand back to double kakewaki uke position.
05. Step back with the right leg into zen kutsu dachi, perform open handed gedan barai lower block with the left hand.
06. Step forward into zenkutso dachi with the right leg forward, perform open handed gedan juji uke.
07. Mae geri front kick with the left leg, land in heisoku dachi, then kick mae geri with the right leg and step forward with the right leg into zenkutso dachi and perform hiji ate rising elbow with the right arm. Leaving the elbow out, follow this up by punching forward with a chudan level reverse punch.
08. Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left and raise the right leg, kick out the right leg towards the front of the dojo with yoko geri keage snapping side kick towards the ankle area of your opponent. Rotate a further 90 degrees to face the rear of the dojo in sanchin dachi and perform uchi uke inside block with the left hand.
09. Perform a Mae Geri front kick off the right rear leg and land in right foot foraward zenkutso dachi, performing hiji ate rising elbow strike with the right arm, leaving this arm out, perform a reverse chudan level punch.
10. Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left and raise the right leg, kick out the right leg towards the rear of the dojo with yoko geri keage snapping side kick towards the ankle area of your opponent, land in sanchin dachi with the right leg back and perform uchi uke inside block with the left arm.
11. Perform a Mae Geri front kick off the right rear leg and land in right foot foraward zenkutso dachi, performing hiji ate rising elbow strike with the right arm, leaving this arm out, perform a reverse chudan level punch with the left arm.
12. Rotate the body 90 degrees to the left and raise the right leg, kick out the right leg with yoko geri keage snapping side kick towards the ankle area of your opponent. Rotate a further 90 degrees and land in sanchin dachi and perform uchi uke inside block with the left hand.
13. Perform a Mae Geri front kick off the right rear leg and land in right foot foraward zenkutso dachi, performing hiji ate rising elbow strike with the right arm, leaving this arm out, perform a reverse chudan level punch with the left arm.
14. Rotate 90 degrees to the left to face the back of the dojo in shiko dachi sumo stance, perform kosa otoshi tsuki strike (double dropping crossed arm strike) and KIAI!
15. Step the right leg right around to rotate 180 degrees in a clockwise motion, land in shiko dachi, draw both arms up before firing out kosa otoshi tsuki strike (double dropping crossed arm strike) and KIAI!
16. Step back 180 degrees counter clockwise into a shiko dachi sumo stance, place both hands infront of the abdomen, with the left palm facing down and the right palm below it facing up, rotate the upper body 90 degrees to the right, at the same time, draw the right hand up and across the body into a plam block protecting the face, the left palm remains at the chest but rotates to a plam up position.
17. Step 90 degrees clockwise into heiko dachi, pulling both arms back to the waist, then step your right foot into sanchin dachi and perform morote tsuki double strike, with the left arm aiming jodan and the right arm aiming chudan. When punching, step up slightly with the left leg.
18. Step your right foot across to the left and rotate 180 degrees counter clockwise into sanchin dachi performing uchi uke with the left arm.
19. Stepping forward with the right foot into sanchin dachi, this time perfoming uchi uke with the right arm.
20. Step out 90 degrees to the right into shiko dachi sumo stance, place both hands infront of the abdomen, with the right palm facing down and the left palm below it facing up, rotate the upper body 90 degrees to the left, at the same time, draw the left hand up and across the body into a plam block protecting the face, the right palm remains at the chest but rotates to a palm up position.
21. Step 90 degrees counter clockwise into heiko dachi, pulling both arms back to the waist, then step your left foot into sanchin dachi and perform morote tsuki double strike, with the right arm aiming jodan and the left arm aiming chudan. When punching, step up slightly with the right leg.
22. Press the left palm down, then press the right palm on to the left to reinforce, look to the right, lower your stance and step around 135 degrees into shiko dachi and perform a chicken head block with both hands, the chicken head block is an uchi uke with the right arm with a inverted wrist, the left hand supports at the elbow.
Kata is complete!