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How to perform Kata Sepai

Performing the Kata of Sepai, step by step instructional kata training by the blind Karate instructor Mark Brown.

01. From Heiko dachi ready stance, leaving the fists out at the front, step into heisoku dachi by brining the left leg in, then step back into a shiko dachi by stepping the left leg back. The Left hand opens, travels anticlockwise in a circular motion until nearly vertical, then the right palm opens and also travels circular anticlockwise. The left hand continues the circular motion until it mees the solar plexus, the right arm circles all the way round and out and stops out at the front slightly higher than the solar plexus.

02. Step left foot forward into sanchin dachi, both hands out to the front to glasp each other at solar plexus level.

03. Both hands remain together but draw in towards the chest before firing out and twisting at the end of the technique.

04. Step right foot forward into shiko dachi, and fire our right arm elbow strike reinforced by the left hand where both hands are still joined.

05. Step your left leg forward into shiko dachi, then immediatley augumentate the stance into zenkutso dachi facing the rear of the dojo, but keep the upper body rotated towards the front of the dojo, looking over the straight leg, perform a left arm open gedan barai with the right hand protecting the face, fingers pointing towards the direction of the technique.

06. Left hand inside haito.

07. Slide left leg back into sanchin dachi and perform outside shuto strike with right hand.

08. Kick mae gerri with the right leg and step back into a shiko dachi, perform mawashi empi with the left, the right hand is open and resting at the solar plexus.

09. Left hand performs forward backfist out to the left hand side.

10. Look towards the rear, step right leg into cat stance, perform right hand gedan barai with the left fist sat behind the right arms elbow.

11. Perfrom uchi uke with the right arm.

12. Right hand opens and pulls towards gedan level.

13. Step round clockwise 135 degrees into sanchin dachi, allow both arms to rotate around each other at the front of the body before chambering the left arm back and leaving the right arm in a horizontal uchi uke position.

14. Rotate the body 180 degrees counter clockwise, step through into sanchin dachi and strike with an open handed swinging strike to the groin.

15. Step with the left leg forward into sanchin dachi, perform gedan palm block with the left hand and fire the right open palm forward at jodan level.

16. Step forward with the right leg into shiko dachi and perform two mawashi empis, both hands meet in the middle about 4 inches apart.

17. Right leg flicks up to kick the inside of the left thigh, as the leg comes down, fire down otoshi tsuki double strike towards the ground and KIAI!

18. Rotate 180 clockwise degrees into shiko dachi and perform left hand gedan barai.

19. Right foot slides to meet the left before moving into sanchin dachi, the right hand drops down palm open to block at gedan level, the left palm fires out towards the jodan level at the front of the body.

20. Step the left leg out into shiko dachi, by rotation clockwise and perform two mawashi elbow strikes, allow the hands to meet at the front of the body about 4 inches between them.

21. The left leg flicks up to kick the right inner thigh, as stepping down fire out double otoshi tsuki strikes towards the ground and KIAI!

22. Step out counter clockwise 180 degrees into shiko dachi, performing gedan barai with the right arm.

23. Step up the right leg into sanchin dachi, then shuffle out into cat stance, left hand perfroms tate tsuki upper cut and right hand performs inverted kage tsuki hook punch with both fists remaining in the final position near the face.

24. Step the right foot forward into han zenkutso dachi, the left leg then hooks behind to form the kosa dachi cross stance at the same time the left hand performs inverted kage tsuki hook punch and the right hand performs tate tsuki uppercut.

25. Rotate 270 degrees anti clockwise into a sanchin dachi performing uchi uke with the left arm.

26. Pivot on the feet to flick the body 90 degrees clockwise, perfrom gedan tetsui with the left, and back fist with the left, then pivot back 90 degrees to perform right arm uchi uke.

27. Kick mae gerri off the right leg and land in shiko dachi, performing shita tsuki short punch with the left.

28. Look to the right, step up 90 degrees into heisoku dachi, prepare to perform uchi uke, as the technique begines slide the left foot back into sanchin dachi.

29. Pivot on the feet to flick the body 90 degrees counter clockwise, perfrom gedan tetsui with the right, and back fist with the right, then pivot back 90 degrees to perform left arm uchi uke.

30. Mae gerri front kick with the left leg and step back into shiko dachi performing shita tsuki short punch with the right hand.

31. Both arms fire out to the front to grab, left arm is slightly lower than the right. Step forward with the right into sanchin dachi then rotate the body 90 degrees clockkwise into a cat stance with the hands still out to the front of the body.

32. Draw the arms towards the chest and slide the right foot back into a left leg leading cat stance. The hands close before rotating and firing out with a otoshi tsuki towards the floor.

33. Left hand opens, the right hand makes a circular motion up past the forehead before striking back down circular into the right hand. KIAI!

Look up, Bow out. Kata complete !!