MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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Kata Empi, meaning 'Flight of the swallow' due to the nature of the kata. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes high and sometimes low. However poetic this may sound, this powerful shotokan based kata uses direct punching and knee strikes to disarm a number of opponents.
1. Step into heisoku dachi, place the right hand to your left hand side into the palm of your left hand, your fingers on the left hand should be pointed out to the front.
2. Step 45 degrees back with the left leg into han zankutso dachi, bend both your knees and drop towards the floor, performing a right handed gedan barai block. Step back into heisoku dachi with your right hand again at your left hand side, this time both hands closed.
3. Step 90 degrees to the right into zenutso dachi performing gedan barai with the right arm.
4. Perform Kage Tsuki hook punch with the right arm, then step into kiba dachi facing the front and perform kage tsuki with the left arm.
5. Step forward in zenkutso dachi with the left leg and perform gedan barai with the left arm.
6. Punch jodan tsuki with the right arm.
7. Right hand opens, grab and then perform hiza geri knee strike with the right knee, drop down into otoshi tsuki low punch with the left, the right hand raises to protect the face.
8. Step back up in zenkutso dachi and perform gedan barai with the right while facing the front of the dojo, step accross with the left leg, rotate the hips to face the rear of the dojo and perform gedan barai with the left.
9. Punch jodan tsuki with the right.
10. Right hand opens, grab and then perfrom hiza geri knee strike with the right knee, drop down into otoshi tsuki low punch with the left, the right hand raises to protect the face.
11. Step back up in zenkutso dachi and perform gedan barai with the right while facing the rear of the dojo, step accross with the left leg, rotate the hips to face the front of the dojo and perform gedan barai with the left.
12. Raise the left knee up and twist the body 45 degree to the right, the left hand rises into open handed soto ude uke position and the body rotates to the left 45 degrees facing the front of the dojo.
13. Strike the left hand with the right hand using a tetsui, remain on one leg in the crane stance of gankaku dachi and kiai.
14. Step out into kiba dachi, and perform a pressing block with the right arm.
15. Right chundan tsuki strike followed by left chudan tsuki strike.
16. Step 90 degrees to the left into zenkutsu dachi performing gedan barai block.
17. Punch jodan tsuki.
18. Step forward into Kokutso dachi and perform shuto uke with the right hand.
19. Step back in stance and step out into kokutso dachi with the left foot, performing shukto uke with the left hand.
20. Perfrom ura Tsuki close punch with the right arm.
21. Step forward with the right foot into kokutso dachi blocking shuto uke with the right arm.
22. Using a mawate turn, step around 180 degrees with the left leg into zenkutso dachi performing gedan barai with the left arm.
23. Jodan Tsuki punch with the right arm.
24. Right hand opens, grabs and then perform hiza geri knee strike with the right knee, drop down into otoshi tsuki low punch with the left, the right hand raises to protect the face.
25. Step back up in zenkutso dachi and perform gedan barai with the right, step accross with the left leg, rotating the hips to turn 180 degrees and perform gedan barai with the left.
26. Right hand opens with the palm facing upwards, the arm rises up to shoulder level.
27. Step 90 degrees to the right to face the front of the dojo, the right open palm drops down, while the left palm opens and rises to shoulder level, shuffle into zenkutso dachi with the right leg forward while your left palm drops to groin level and your right palm rises to shoulder level.
28. Step forward into left foot zenkutso dachi, the left palm rises as the right palm lowers, similar technique to the last move.
29. Step forward again into right foot zenkutso dachi, the right palm rises as the left palm lowers, similar technique to the last move.
30. Shuffle forward into kokutso dachi and perform gedan barai with right hand.
31. Step up into short backstance, lean forward and perform open handed yama tsuki to simulate a grab to the front of the dojo, left arm high, right arm lower.
32. Rotate the body to the left about 90 degrees before engaging into a 3/4 turn jump. Land in right foot forward kokutso dachi blocking shuto uke with the right arm facing the front of the dojo. Kiai
33. Step back into kokutso dachi performing shuto uke with the left arm.
34. Chamber back into Heisoku Dachi with the right hand placed adjacent to the left fist at the left side of the body.