MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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The Peaceful and observant Warrior. This kata is about the Warrior's calmness, breathing and concentration before moving into the explosive motions of fast and hard combat before returning back to the peaceful posture and mindset.
This kata uses the following karate techniques...
Stances : Hachiji Dachi, Zenkutsu Dachi, Han Zenkutsu Dachi, Shiko Dachi
Strikes : Jodan Tsuki, Chudan Tsuki, Hiji Ate, Shuto, Tetsui, Ura Ken
Blocks : Gedan Barai, Uchi Uke
Kicks : Mae Geri.
From Hachiji Dach,
01. Look to the left, breathe.
02. Look to the right, breathe.
03. Step with left into Han Zenkutsu dachi, punching left hand Jodan Tsuki and Kiai.
04. Punch right hand chudan level reverse punch.
05. Left arm rising elbow strike into left hand inside shuto strike.
06. Mae Geri front kick off the rear right leg, land with it forward and strike with right arm into Gedan Barai or Tetsui strike.
07. Right arm Uchi Uke followed by Right arm back fist.
08. Turn 180 degrees, left arm Gedan Barai.
09. Left arm Uchi Uke into left arm Back Fist.
10. Step with right leg into Han Zenkutsu dachi, punching Jodan Tsuki with right and kiai.
11. Punch chudan tsuki reverse punch with left.
12. Right arm rising elbow strike into right hand inside shuto strike.
13. Mae Geri front kick off the rear left leg, land with it forward and strike with left arm into Gedan Barai or Tetsui strike.
14. Left arm Uchi Uke followed by Left arm back fist.
15. Turn 90 degrees to the right, Right arm Gedan Barai into right arm uchi Uke into right arm front back fist. Left Chudan Tsuki punch into right chudan Tsuki punch.
16. Turn 180 degrees to the left, Left arm Gedan Barai into left arm Uchi Uke into left arm front back fist. Right Chudan Tsuki punch into left Chudan Tsuki punch.
17. Both arms out to side to grab and pull inwards, slide feet together, facing the front and Kiai.
18. Step right leg back into Zenkutsu Dachi and double punch to kidneys or stomach.
19. Step right leg forward into Kokutsu Dachi and block right hand Shuto Uke.
20. Changing stance on the spot shift to left leg forward into Kokutsu Dachi and block left hand Shuto Uke.
21.Step to the right at 45 degrees into Shiko Dachi sumo stance and perform double inside uppercut into double outide groin level tetsui.
22. Step round 180 degrees to the right into Shiko Dachi sumo stance and perform double inside uppercut into double outside goin level tetsui.
23. Slide feet back to Hachiji Dachi to finish in your starting position chambering into the traditional X-Block, used to symbolise the kata is complete.