MMA, Karate and Self Defense from Mill Hill Dojo
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Go Kan Ryu's Blind Sensei Mark Brown demonstrates the basic 'kihon' techniques found in GKR Karate, these ten strikes and nine blocks make up the main part of GKR's basic upper body techniques.
Strikes in this video...
Chudan Tsuki - Body Level Punch
Jodan Tsuki - Head level Punch
Ura Uchi - Backfist Strike
Uraken - Side Backfist Strike
Shita Tsuki - Short Punch
Hiji Ate - Rising Elbow Strike
Mawashi Empi - Round Elbow Strike
Outside Shuto - Knife Hand Strike
Inside Shuto - Knife Hand Strike
Haito - Ridge Hand Strike
Blocks in this video...
Jodan Age Uke - Rising Head level Block
Uchi Uke - Inside Hooking Block
Soto Uke - Outside Hooking Block
Gedan Barai - Lower Inside Block
Gedan Uke - Lower Outside Block
Chuge Uke - Double Front Block
Kake Uke - Inside Ridge Hand Block
Mawashi Uke - Round Double Front Block
Shuto Uke - Knife Hand Block.