Karate Strikes

Most strikes found in karate are very similar to those found in other styles of Martial Arts, however with karate, the art of performing the technique will be ever so slightly different or it may indeed be totally different and this will vary throughout the striking or punching techniques. At Mill Hill Dojo, we base our art on traditional Okinowan karate techniques but we also adapt the techniques to suite our own style as required. This give us an authentic and unique perspective based on adapting the principles of tradional karate to suite our day to day needs in the Polecat Martial Art system.

Kage Tsuki | Hook Punch

The hooking strike of Kage Tsuki uses a round almost circular motion to strike an opponent. The target area for the opponent as with most hooking punches is the neck, temple, ear and most desirable is the chin as this almost certainly ends your opponent. The technique is very similar to the round house strike of Mawashi Tsuki but with the Kage tsuki the techniques is employed directly from the front rather than the side or rear. Find out more about this karate strike by watching the demonstration of Kage Tsuki.

Age Tsuki | Rising Punch

The rising punch is very useful for striking upwards to the face of your attacker using the gap created in the center line when fighting. It is possible that you may be grappling with your oppoent who might have your arms covered to prevent you striking or punching in the conventional way. The inverted and rising punch of Age Tsuki uses the empty space inbetween you and your opponent to strike upwards and underneath the chin of your attacker. Full details and instructional video about the Age Tsuki.

Morote Tsuki | Double Punch

The double handed punch or strike of Morote Tsuki comes from the ancient art of swordsmanship. The technique is a double handed thrusting technique but when found in karate the move basically involves using two fists to strike at the same time. This can be either two blows delivered at the same level or a upper and lower strike delivered simultaneously. Full details and instructional video of the Morote Tsuki.

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