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Kage Tsuki

Age Tsuki is a karate strike. Pronounced 'ar-gi-zuki'. Age Tsuki is the rising punch found in Karate.

The rising punch of Age Tsuki is not to be confused with the standard Jodan Tsuki upper level strike. The rising punch is takes a very different path and uses an entirely different technique even though the target area is the same.

To perform a Rising Punch, the elbow is first sent out in the direction of the strike, in most cases this is the face of an attacker, so with the elbow pointing towards the attacker and the clenched fist sat in front of the chest, the arm is then extended outwards and upwards. For proper technique, the fist should remain inverted with pinky finger facing upwards. the arm then extends and the punch is delivered with either the hammer fist action of Ken Tui or with the Seiken Knuckles.