Polecat Mixed Martial Art

Polecat was developed in-house at Mill Hill Dojo by Mark Brown and Robert Polecat Johnson, however that sounds little boring doesn't it?
Let us instead believe in something a little more romantic, like this fairy tale...

The ever evolving Martial Art of Polecat was developed from hundreds of years worth of hand combat instruction, passed down through successfully taught generations in ancient Oriental lands far far away and kept within the family as a closely guarded secret. This secret for generations had protected the families that knew the art, they were able to defend themselves from attackers through times of epic war and violence through the secret techniques and methods of this unique fighting style. The Polecat Martial Art's legendary founding member, 'Grand Master Fuji Komi Polecat' first created this style back in 1731, during a time that his island was war torn, invaders were successfully kept at bay and Fuji Komi Polecat was able to establish his own dominant family in the region, thanks to this personally developed Martial Art style. This was most probably just Okinowan Karate at this time, just like the many of the other hundred odd styles based of the back of Okinawan and Japanese Karate-do. It remained that way until the art was taught to Frank Pinder, a member of the Allied Forces stationed on the island during WW2. Frank's interpretation of the art was eventually passed down to both his sons and then later three of his grandsons Robert, Benson and Mathew Polecat who continue to teach and develope the Polecat Martial Art today.

Of course, today's Polecat has evolved slightly from the exact ancient methods practised by the first generations of Grand Master Polecat. The art has had to adapt, we live in a very different world here today and this is exactly what sets out Polecat as one of the best kept Martial Arts secrets in today's world. Unlike other Traditional Martial Arts systems that focus on moves and techniques developed a long time ago, Polecat MMA actively changes with the times, and with the region, wrestling and boxing moves are also common techniques incorporated into the style. Polecat seeks to learn from all styles of Martial Art and includes techniques learned from numerous traditional styles, making Polecat a true Mixed Martial Art of the 21st Century.

Polecat uses a combination of strikes, blocks, kicks, grabs, pokes, prods, prising and containing in order to stop the attack of an enemy or foe. The art is always a Peaceful one but we must strive to protect ourselves at all times. If we can't protect ourselves we could find ourselves hurt, injured or worse still, dead. Self Defense and Self Preservation is at the heart of the Polecat Martial Art.

The Differences Between Polecat MMA and Traditional Martial Arts

While Polecat is roughly based around the sound principles of Asian Martial Arts, Polecat itself has a very distinct western interpretation. Firstly, unlike Karate etc, students of the Polecat Martial Art are not required to bow or show respect in the traditional Asian format, normal verbal greetings or handshakes are more appropriate in Western culture. Our Legendary founding member, the late and Great Grandmaster Fuji Komi Polecat is remembered but not worshipped. Polecat has no strange rituals, bowing processes or special prayers. Secondly, Polecat is very direct when compared to other styles, karate inparticular. While a karate-ka will place his fist by his side before striking, a Polecat practitioner may strike from where ever his hands are, mainly from upper areas, we do not add complexity to our techniques by having a definitive starting point or preperatory point. Thirdly, Polecat sticks with the times and uses 21st century MMA and fighting principles based on now, not 300 years in the past. We dont train to the standards required to invade castles or to slay guards in fortresses, we don't plan on over whelming an entire army or controlling a nation, we use straight to the point self defense techniques to offer us the best level of protection against common threats now, these threats are more likely to be muggers, drunks, bullies or violent criminals than sword swinging soldiers.

Polecat Martial Arts is always Peaceful and Polecats are encourage to adopt the philosophy of confrontation avoidance, using the self defense techniques as counter measures in a last resort situation only.