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Crossbody Takedown Technique to drop an attacker

Mill Hill Dojo, Home of Mark Brown the Blind Karate Sensei.

Crossbody Takedown

The Crossbody Takedown is a counter attacking techniques used to combat an opponent moving in about to throw a punch and resulting in a take down to the floor with the possibility to transition into a sumbission technique.

An opponents punch is taken accros the front your own body by deflecting the motion of the punch with an outside to inside type of deflection. At this point you must immediatly step in towards your attack and round using the cresant stepping technique. Using the arm that did not provide the initial block, shoot out your hand towards the opposing shoulder of your attacker and apply immediate pressure to send the opponent backwards. As we have already stepped into a position with one leg behind the attacker, the attacker then has to drop backwards resulting in the takedown. At this point you have the option to continue to fight your attacker or to quickly concentrate on your escape which should always be the priority at the best oppertunity.

With all takedown techniques, they will not work if you do not fully commit yourself to the application. Speed, timing and precision are all needed to execute a succeful takedown, power on the other hand does not play as big a role as you would expect, it is possible for a very weak person to takedown a very strong person if the timing and the technique are correct.