Karate Stances Page 4

Most stances are used as transitional techniques, this means rather than remaining in a stance for any given length of time, in real fights or in kumite, one should look towards changing the stances as you move, transitioning from a rooted stance into a moving stance, or from a defensive stance into an attacking stance for example. Regular practising of all stances will help strengthern the legs and aid in mobility. Remember to pay attention to the small details like the shape of the feet for example, as footwork is a very important aspect of your karate.

Heiko Dachi | Parallel Stance

Heiko Dachi, (pronounced High-co-Datch) also known as the Parallel Stance is a karate stance found in most disciplines of karate, noticably GKR, who use the stance as their Ready Stance. The parallel Stance is used to maintain balance and also used as a start and end procedure before and after kumite, kata and line drill techniques in the dojo. Students in GKR waiting for instructions from the sensei should remain in this stance. Full Details and Instructional Video on Heiko Dachi, the Parallel Stance.

Kosa Dachi | Cross Stance

Kosa Dachi, (pronounced cos-a-datchi) is a clossed leg karate stance best employed for turning and rotating in combat. Also referred to as the crossed leg stance due to the position of the legs in the stance which requires that one leg crosses over behind the other one. Kosa Dachi is a water stance in chinese five element theories which indicates the crossed stance is also used for avoiding an opponent or transitioning to another stance or direction. Full Details and Instruction Video on Kosa Dachi Cross Stance.

Gankaku Dachi | Crane Stance

Gankaku Dachi, (pronounced Gan-kack-who-datch) is the crane stance found in karate and is a one legged stance. You might have heard of the crane technique from karate films such as The Karate Kid, the stance of Gankaku Dachi is different to the film but none the less this is the real technique found in shotokan karate, in particular the kata of Empi which uses the stance at the KIAI point. Learn more about this stance and watch the video demonstration of Gankaku Dachi Crane Stance.

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