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Reverse Punch

Gyaku Tsuki

Gyaku Tsuki is a karate strike. Pronounced 'gar-key-zuki'. The reverse punch of Gyaku Tsuki is one of karate's most powerful punches. The punch is used when the hips are off and is sent from the side of the rear leg.

The reverse punch has the same structure as the other karate twist punches, the start and end point of the punch is identical, but with the reverse punch, the hips are always sideways first or 'off'. The reverse punch is sent out from the opposite side of any lead leg and once the punch is been extended, the hips will rotate to a normal square position, allowing power not just from the arm but the entire body.

Driving the focus of the reverse punch directly from the hips provides an exceptional amount of power if the application is correct, the punch is known for been able to break bone such as the ribs if the correct application is adhered to.